Hi, I'm

Jada Baron

Front End Developer based in London, United Kingdom

Get in touch

A few handpicked projects I have taken the most pride in building throughout my development journey so far.

A screenshot of my AI Book Recommendation Generator project.

AI Book Recommendation Generator

This project marked my introduction to building with AI and understanding prompt engineering along with being actively inspired by one of my most-loved hobbies, reading. This project also introduced me to JavaScript plugins, utilising a Typewriter style plugin to emulate a traditional AI chatbox experience. The application allows users to enter a genre into a search box, which serves as a prompt for an AI API. The AI then generates and displays a book recommendation within the selected genre in a chatbox-style interface.

Launch my AI Book Recommendation Generator

World Clock

This project was both challenging and highly engaging to develop. While I had previously worked on displaying the current time and date using arrays and variables in JavaScript, this project allowed me to delve into the use of JavaScript libraries, specifically Moment.js and Moment Timezone. These libraries proved to be intuitive and significantly enhanced the functionality of the application. I gained extensive practise with CSS Flexbox to create a classic stacked layout for displaying multiple time zones. Additionally, this project improved my understanding of various HTML input types and select elements, as well as their styling using CSS.

Launch my World Clock
A screenshot of my world clock app showcasing the current time in Paris, LA, Sydney and Tokyo.
A screenshot of my weather app with 5 day forecast functionality.

Weather App with 5 Day Forecast

This project was developed 4 months into my journey with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and kickstarted my experience building with APIs, employing Axios to fetch and integrate data seamlessly along with driving forward my skills in extracting and displaying specific information clearly and concisely for users. This project uses vanilla JavaScript along with html injected from the script.js file. Through this project, I also mastered the construction of a fully functional search engine and utilised CSS Flexbox to design an intuitive 5-day weather forecast layout.

Launch my Weather App